
Coagulant Cationic Colour Percipitant (INNOVA SP 415) In Jodhpur

INNOVA SP 415 is a cane juice colour precipitant which also removes certain high molecular weight impurities. It is cationic in nature therefore the Ionic colouring matter easily attaches itself to it.

Some of the other Ionic impurities also attach to this molecule thereby making it more effective in creating minute particles, which are then converted into primary flocs in the subsequent processes of juice clarification.

    Specification :

    Appearance Straw Coloured, Viscous Liquid
    pH (as supplied) 6 to 7
    Flash Point None

    Features :

  • High percentage of decolourising can be obtained.
  • Because of its cationic nature, it helps in the Dorr clarifier by where an Ionic flocculant is used for floc formation.
  • Simple to use
  • No capital cost involved.

  • Dosage & Feeding :

  • The percentage decolourisation obtained depends upon the INNOVA SP 415 quantity used, upto certain limits. Under normal conditions, 10 to 20 ppm, on juice is sufficient to achieve a high degree of decolourisation. The dosing point should be into the sulphited juice entering the Dorr Clarifier or in the mixed juice tank.

    It is desirable that some contact time to be permitted so that the colouring matters and other impurities get a chance of attaching themselves to the INNOVA SP 415 molecules. Higher dilution is necessary because of the concentrated nature of INNOVA SP 415; dilution at a level of 1:20, with water, is recommended prior to its being dosed.

    Dosing pumps should be used for dosing the diluted product to ensure thorough and proportionate mixing. Product dilution and feeding should be done from plastic barrels only.

  • Storage & Handling :

  • INNOVA SP 415 has a long shelf life it should be stored at ambient temperature. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and food. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with large amount of water several times.

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